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Why do we still need passports in Europe ?

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ianess | 08:51 Fri 17th Feb 2006 | Travel
6 Answers
I thought freedom of movement within the EC was one of the benefits of membership of that fine body.
So why do we Brits still need passports for travel between member states?


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Actually we don't. All you need for travel in the EC is a valid identity card issued by your government.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) the only such card issued by the UK government is a passport.

I have been travelling quite easily between European countries without either a passport or an ID-card.

Germany -> Luxembourg (even by plane)
Germany -> France
Germany -> Spain
Germany -> Italy

It never works coming to or from England for some reason, though...

It's because the UK is not a signatory to the Schengen Convention.

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Great answer SteveD.....thank you very much. All I needed to know.

Although answered by SteveD...aren't passports in place so 'Big Brother' can keep an eye on us? Switzerland has check points on major roads but if you travel in through a minor country lane (by mistake) they don't seem to bother.

Margaret Thatcher declined to sign us up to Schengen citing as I recall our special security requirements with respect to Nortern Ireland.

So where is the one place we can travel to without a passpotr? yup Ireland!

I seem to remember that there was a lot of talk about the real reason being that they didn't trust the other European countries to do a decent job of controlling illegal immigration.

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Why do we still need passports in Europe ?

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