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Daily Mail

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BlueToffee | 09:18 Sun 25th Aug 2013 | Current Affairs
20 Answers
I see the DM has a current you think HS2 would be good for Britain....

Surprisingly 33% say yes whist 67% say no.

Oh well, that's the DM for you!


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Of course HST would be good for Britain. But not at £80b.
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I suspect the 67% are more concerned about property prices than the cost of HS2 Zac, but I agree, £80b is quite a lot.
no that's people for you, just because they read the Mail, do you suppose Telegraph, Guardian, Times readers all agree it should go ahead.
Incidentally, I couldn't find the poll
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Home page, near the bottom Zac
it's not just about property prices, i have already mentioned on other threads that many stand to lose their homes and businesses around the Euston area, and the compensation will not be commensurate for anyone to buy a new business or home in the borough. Sarah Hayward current leader of Camden Council has had misgivings about this project and what it will do to many of her constituents, not to mention the years of disruption, in an already beleaguered area/city.
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I suspect the polls in the other papers Emmie would be more realistic.
then please do post them, because i would be interested in what they have to say, or is it simply another pop at the paper...
Thanks BT. Stupidly phrased question (not unsurprisingly).
Not a Guardian poll, but reported by the Guardian:

At the start of 2012 an opinion poll showed public opinion was narrowly in favour of HS2. But opinion has now switched, and a YouGov poll in July showed 46% of respondents against the project and only 34% in favour.
there's plenty of info out there, much of it negative. The cost of this project will far exceed the quoted figure, they usually do, it won't be operational till when? 2026 i read, not sure if that is the case, so 13 years, that is a long job, and lots of money. I am against because of the effect it will have on London and certain areas and the level of cost to those who live in the borough and beyond, it's not nimbyism or whatever the latest catchphrase is. however to keep on blaming a newspaper, when there is plenty of opposition out there from people who stand to lose.
so which poll, reported by the Guardian it must say which polling company?
You gov. Says it in my answer.
not sure anyone would have the time or inclination to read all the links, but it does gives info to the requester under the freedom of information act.
there have been proposals put forward for not linking it to Euston Station but elsewhere in the capital, i forget which place, but the plan sounded a deal better. We currently have crossrail going on, and plenty of other projects to keep people in work if that is what concerns some.
zac, sorry missed that bit. I had already linked it as well !
I must have been writing mine when you posted yours. Your arguments are sound and highlight why it was a ridiculously simplistic question in the first place.
its not the DM or any papers choice, they can take as many polls as they like, it will however be down to the people in government and those interested parties who will get this project up and running, if it's passed for fit for purpose.
zac, thank you, apologies but this project will affect us and many friends who live in and around the area, not to mention the sheer cost of this folly
Exactly my point, the latter content of your answer being my initial comment.

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