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Good Evening Here

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sherrardk | 23:13 Tue 27th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Been round to my friend's house sitting in the garden. Not only saw shooting stars but an owl in flight, I have never see an actual wild owl before, flipping thing was huge.


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Ooh are we allowed to mention owls on here?
I know some of them just don't give a hoot
Good evening, it all sounds lovely
Did you make a wish on a star?
I miss owl stories on here. I wonder what happened to Vulcan 42s owl sanctuary. Sherradk I once saw a shooting star and it was an amazing sight.
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I've heard the owl a couple of times but to see it was great. Hope it's delivering my acceptance to Hogwarts, could do with a change of scenery.
We were away those days we had meteor showers. Not only saw a few shooting stars, but we also saw an owl in flight, too. First time I've seen one. How strange
heard 2 types of owl this evening,,not hear for ages,then 2 at once!
The big ones are big but the little owls are - wait for it - little......!
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But where's my Hogwarts acceptane?
I don't think I have ever seen an owl in flight Sherr, must have been a glorious sight. I hope you made a wish on the star, and it comes true for you

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