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sherrardk | 20:45 Wed 28th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
A job has come up locally as a pre-school manager. I am hugely tempted to apply for it but I have no early years experience although I am a fully qualified secondary teacher with years of Senior management experience. Too much of a leap or doable?


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Go for it - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

You bring with you your experience as a qualified teacher but also as a working mother to several 'things'.

Keep us updated please xx
Go for it, sounds ideal for you!
\\\\I am a fully qualified secondary teacher with years of Senior management experience. Too much of a leap or doable?\\\

For God's sake, other people's opinions don't matter a "jot" are considering a job with responsibility and possibly decision making, so make this decision by yourself.
Go for it and good luck.
Other peoples opinions 'do' matter.

Go for it Sher...
go for it
umm I am not sure if other people opinions do matter

unless it is the opinion of the panel that is appointing.
(or a judge)
(or an editor if you are trying to get somehting printed)
agree sqad,
same reasons
same background
Of course they matter. Secondary school teacher to pre-school...someone might have done something similar.

Also taking into consideration that Sher has 5 kids, someone might be able to advise on what it's like to return to work.
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Thanks for the responses. After reading them I realised that I was looking for encouragement to actually apply for the post (tend to lose your self-confidence when you haven't worked for ages). Anyway, have emailed my cv so will have to see what happens.

good luck, sherrardk

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