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The Funniest Thing You Have Heard Today?

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jd_1984 | 14:17 Thu 29th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Title say it all.....


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erm - we are definitely NOT going into Syria (David Cameron) ?
not today, but recently, if your legs stop working go to the hospital.
Can I have a seen, rather than heard? Some graffiti. Possibly the best graffiti ever. It reads ...




Whilst walking my Cocker bitch - 'What kind of cat is he?'

I said - 'Cool'
"Yes, it is a lovely the size you require it will be around £6,500, depending on your preferred finish"

I'm refining a my search for a suitable dining table...........
Not today, But last weekend at reading festival, we sat waiting to watch a band and this young very unthusiatric young lady sat down next us really excited about the band for, I pulled out a signed autograph that we got earlier, and she said.

her " wow where did you get that from"
me " we qued up and got it from the signing tent over there"
her " I wondered about that tent I thought when it said signing tent I
thought thats were all the deaf people went"
Birthdays are good for your health, the more you have, the longer you live.
As I am rapidly approaching 60, this made me smile.

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