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Happy Birthday Pastafreak

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NoMercy | 16:09 Thu 29th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Have a great day x x


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Bit late, sorry,but have a fantastic rest of the day Pasta xx
Happy Birthday Pasta, hope you're having a good one :o)) xxx
Happy birthday Pasta, hope you're having a great day xx
Love and best wishes x x x
Happy birthday Pastafreak. xx
Ooooh...I just saw this. Thank you all...and especially NoMercy...xx
many happy returns Pasta x

hope you've had a great day
Happy Birthday Pasta xx
Pasta - nearly missed you but then I have been very busy recently.

Have a great day, whatever you are doing to celebrate and, apart from the glass or three of your fav tipple, don't forget the cake.
Brilliant...but a terrible waste of cake!

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Happy Birthday Pastafreak

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