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masma | 08:43 Thu 17th May 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Good morning! I need to change the next of kin details on our passports, can I just put a sticker over the page or will they have to be returned. Thank you - enjoy your day :-)


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Because your passport is an official document the passport office will have to be notified why not give them a phone call & ask what the procedure is.
A sticker will be fine. No need to notify the passport office as they have no idea who you've nominated anyway.
^ ^ eccles is correct ^ ^
The Passport Office has said :

"Use a post-it note (rather than a permanent sticker) and include a brief statement as to why the information has been changed"
Ooh, thanks Dave, I might just make a little screen dump of this page :-)
Bum, I wasn't correct after all :-(
lol Eccles
I interpreted your 'sticker' as 'post-it' - so you was right eccles :)
I will have to take a look at my passport as I've not seen a section on next of kin!!!
// EcclesCake
Bum, I wasn't correct after all :-( //

Inside back page (unless they've changed the design recently)
I expect you have to send the passport back and then pay a huge fee to have it changed - kerching Mr Osborne!!
No. The advice in the passport, in the back is that you 'should insert particulars of two relatives or friends who may be contacted in the event of accident', Nothing about next of kin, and no order, just advice.
Use a pencil, so that you can change the people or addresses easily without making a mess or tippexing, or a post-it note. Trouble with a post-it not is that it may become detached and lost 'in the event of accident' and the helpful information for rescuers and hospitals abroad, lost.
Question Author
Thank you all - post it note and a piece of sticky tape here we go xx
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