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Michael Jackson song??

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rach912 | 23:07 Sat 18th Feb 2006 | Music
2 Answers

There is a song that keeps getting played on radio1 it may even be in the charts, I am pretty sure that it is a dance remix of a michael jackson song. I heard it on Sara Cox's show today - I have been managed to listen to it again but there is nothing which lets me see the track listening.

Anyone know what this song could be?



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Hi - i know the one, its released by a group called: Hi Tack titles Say Say Say (waiting for you)

click the link which opens up a tv screen with 6 options. 3 on the left & 3 on the right. The lowest (3rd) option on the left is called ABOUT and confirms its Michael Jacksons song, The 2nd option on the left is called VIDEO and once it's loaded you can click it and press play on the TV screen to see the video

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Thank you jason1980 you are a star!!!!

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Michael Jackson song??

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