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I Love My Country

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rabet | 21:17 Sat 31st Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Any one watched this? Unbelievably feeble and infantile! On BBC ~ why?


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This is the sort of dross that seems to dominate the TV lately along with all these mindless talent shows ,bloody dancing shows ,reality crap and so on .My eyes glaze over when I read the Radio Times schedules for Saturday nights .
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Totally agree, SS.
it's rubbish, like watching from the parlour a few family members playing monopoly or something IMO only ITV can do Saturday night light entertainment
Was this the so called "Comedy" about the two elderly gay men which looks like it was loosely based on the "odd couple" film? What a horribly unfunny and waste of bandwidth that was. I watched quite a few episodes to give them the benefit of the doubt but unfortunately didn't laugh, smile or even smirk once.
Kramer it's a bbc comedy panel quiz show (supposedly)
Totally stupid, and don't get me started on that even dafter Puppet game show.
what game show is that marval? :)
sorry..the one i already mentioned I guess
It is called "That puppet game show" On bbc1 at 17.15, so called celebs go on it, it is presented by puppets.

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I Love My Country

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