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Better or worse?

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AB Editor | 15:06 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
57 Answers

This poll is closed.

The world is...

  • Getting Worse - 37 votes
  • 45%
  • On An Even Keel - 24 votes
  • 29%
  • Getting Better - 22 votes
  • 27%

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Avatar Image "little world" is full of delightful sexual perversions and fantasies, as reality has passed me I suppose it's an even keel on that basis.....
15:15 Wed 21st Nov 2012
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Oh, I don't know Cupid? it's not that far off :)
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I'm surprised how close it is to be honest. It's been quite negative around here on some threads recently...
You're quite funny for a gnome, lol.x
When politicians globally learn that they are there to make peoples lives better instead of there own subservient aims the world will be better
the world as a whole i think is getting worse. but my world, is going just peachy
It is people who are getting worse, not the world.
my world is safe, secure & cosy, thanx to my caring family and friends
eggzackly, craft. My life is way better than when I was a kid, materially speaking. A generation earlier I'd probably have died in some war or other or been carried off by some disease before antibiotics. Life expectancy since the 1950s has risen from about 65 to about 80. Children don't get sent up the chimneys. I can chat to people all over the country that I've never met. How can that be anything but better?
I am inherently optimistic by nature - my own world is pretty good at the moment and the global situation seems (on balance) to be better than at many (most?) times in the past ...
Compared to the Stone Age, it's fantastic
Compared to the Middle Ages and the Black Death, it's cracking.
What makes it seem worse is the global communication that tells us all the goings on 99% of which we would never have heard of.
Solution? Don't read/listen/watch the news.
Billionaires - Getting Better
Starving Children - Getting Worse
Idiots - On An Even Keel
Mustn't grumble, worse things happen at sea, there's always someone worse off than yourself...don't you know there's a war on? We've stopped saying those things. The world must be getting better !

We are more aware of events and suffering than we ever were and what our parents and grandparents regarded as normal, to be tolerated, we would not.
It's a bit of a curate's egg...good in parts............

Right Reverend Host. "I’m afraid you’ve got a bad Egg, Mr. Jones!"
The Curate. "Oh no, my Lord, I assure you! Parts of it are excellect!"
I think it depends on the level one looks at. In many ways old issues remain with us on the planet still, but we tend to believe, whether with cause or not, that one generation has improved on what the previous achieved.

One trusts overall it has to be getting better as time goes by, even if the transition is not smooth; but it often seems that for every "advance" there seems to be a loss. What we gain in new technology or medicine, or increased understanding in science is accompanied by loss of decent ways to do things, socially, to be replaced by more state control, less service provided, greater employer expectations, less caring commercial enterprises, inadequate teaching to the young of socially acceptable behaviour, oh too much to state here.

On an individual basis it feels like we are in reverse and getting worse every day, too much too fast for a lifetime; but I state again I have to trust the general trend of the world has to be for the better as what would it say about human beings as a species otherwise.
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The results now more accurately reflect what I expected, which is a shame!
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