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Disregarding Spam

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AB Editor | 16:23 Wed 28th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
48 Answers

You may have noticed we've got a spammer hanging about these parts.

We've got a small problem trying to block them completely because they're very quickly changing their IP and other identifying factors.

Could I ask you to give them the silent treatment however?

While I'm sure you mean well, you don't need to put "reported" or "I'm bored of this [insert expletive here]" on the thread. This just pushes it back up the latest posts pod, pushing other REAL posts out of it.

Don't post on the spammy threads, report it please, but don't post.



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The idiot saddo spammer is still at it I see. I'm glad everyone is ignoring him/her.
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"You should ask one of the Good Morning thread members to be a Mod Ed. They are normally up and about at 4 AM."

Nominations welcome by email.

I haven't seen any spam, still having probs with blaring ads though, mr. Ed!

I saw one yesterday and reported the OP and the first answer, which was the usual continuation of the bizarre babble,
just reported them again, where do they find the time to make up these email addresses?
The saddo spammer obviously hasn't heeded his/her own advice. All that bl**dy chanting etc hasn't worked well for him /her. They're now reduced to sending out spam for the rest of their sorry lives. Their parents must be sooooo proud of them !! They're just a joke.

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