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Xmas Crackers?

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netibiza | 19:45 Tue 03rd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Anyone know if I can get Xmas crackers here ATM and if so where? Thanks.


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I'm sure the Card Factory had Christmas cards in when I went in a few weeks ago so maybe somewhere like that? They'd be cheap ones though.

How about a department store, I'm sure John Lewis seemed to have lots of Christmas stuff on display quite early last year, maybe moreso October though.
have a look on EBay neti
Ooh, how about those catalogues like Park that do lots of Christmas stuff or somewhere like Costco?
Hi netibiza I don't know where HERE is but give it a few more weeks you will get them everywhere.
A few years ago I wanted to buy all things Christmas in July. I asked a supervisor in Woolworth's if she could help. I got everything I wanted. Tree, lights, baubles, crackers etc. So go to your chosen shop and ASK.
Check Argos, you can reserve online and collect from store while you are here in the UK.
COSTCO have them in store.

Yes, really.
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Thank you all, Argos or Costco (if I can find one). I don't do online shopping yet!

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I won't be back in England again this year, so am getting all that I can now.
Don't want to be a 'damp squib', but some airlines won't allow you to take Christmas Crackers. Best check before you buy.
I haven't noticed xmas crackers yet, but Asda has proudly rolled out their mince pie range already

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