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The Spam Catechisms...

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sandyRoe | 07:37 Thu 05th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The spammer asks something like: ' Where can I buy a ..... at cheap price?' Soon after, a newbie to AB appears with an answer. Would somebody actually be paying them to do this?


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Probably. Or maybe it's their own business.
Sometimes the spammers just post a spam reply to their own question using the same name. Usually, however, the reply is from another 'new' user but it's probably the same one using a different name.
Some are promoting their own websites/products, but some must be being paid to do it for others.
There are companies that provide a service whereby for a fee they post thousand of 'likes' on youtube clips and facebook pages, and I wouldn't be surprised if they also got paid for posting links in order to push the site up the google rankings in some way.
But it does seem rather a waste of time on here doesn't it
have the Hare Krishna people gone now? They must surely have been doing devotional spamming
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Each spam posted saving them from from a revolution in the seemingly unending cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.
it did feel a bit like a terribly modern prayer wheel
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Their beliefs may be rooted in the distant past but in the promulgation of them they're bang up to date.
maybe that's the sound of one hand posting?

I mean, their ideas aren't so bad, but to be honest,
I simply could not wear Orange dahlings!
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but if a post falls in a forest of indifference where no one is listening does it make any sound?
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Half the population here in NI are much taken with orange. Though the wearing of it is mostly restricted to sashes and collarettes.

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