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Nurses Revalidation

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Peter Pedant | 10:19 Fri 06th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

will it improve standards?
it depends on whether the person behaving badly behaves badly during assessment innit ?

Do we know revalidaton for doctors works ?

anyway revalidation for judges seems now inescapable so that is something to look forward to


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Nothing to do with how the person behaves during interview PP, or very little anyway.
Appraisal - peer review - for doctors used to consist of seeing the evidence they were up to date with CME (Continuing Medical Education) looking at random anonymous opinions on that doctor from co-workers and patients, reviewing workload, any complaints or accolades received etc. etc.
As the new revalidation is compulsory for all doctors there will be no control group with which to compare, so difficult to know whether it works or not.
..but obviously it is generally thought to be A Good Thing.

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