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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:42 Sat 07th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Saturday. After last night's heavy rain it looks like we will see the sun for a while. all day will be good, I'm on the canal.

Minty posted yesterday evening.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Time to go and get under the shower, then do some shoplifting before I go down to the canal.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
Bye WBM. Have a good day.
Lol. Don't get caught. Have a good day xx
Naomi, they used to. Apparently it's sn overdeveloped evolutionary hangover. House spiders, although harmless are related to the Black Widow family.
Really? If it's anything to do with evolution, perhaps I'm trailing behind! ;o)
good morning folks. wot a lot of rain last night, but dr to farmers market this am & then off to hospital visit this before visitors arrive.

hope you are all looking forward to the weekend.
I think lots of us are! The instinct to avoid them is still there, although it's no longer necessary. As ummmm says, the way to get over it is to desensitise yourself so your brain realises they're harmless. But i don't even like pictures of them!
....Naomi quickly Googles for local Brain Desensitising Clinic.....
Morning Lady J.

I find them quite fascinating although I think I'd scream if I was faced with a tarantula...

I have my limits!!
i need to leave this conversation. bye everyone. xx
Very sorry, ladyj. Hope you have a lovely day x

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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