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wimp | 19:09 Sat 07th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Is it just me or is television crap at the wkd's? It is all reality TV.Not only that but the programs are more about the judges rather than the contestants!


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I rarely, if ever, switch the TV on at weekends..............
Sport and racing here, then music, I'm going for a walk!
I watch less and less TV nowadays. The only things I tend to switch on for are the Big Bang Theory, Hollyoaks, How I Met Your Mother and occasionally Eastenders though watched that less recently.

I'll watch things like Strictly but think some of the Judges are great and there is a lot of dancing in it. I like Dancing on Ice too though tend to watch the skating and less of the faff.
I'm looking forward to Young Montalbano on BBC4 later on, I loved the original Montalbano and hope this series is just as good.
Oh, and Judge Judy, I love Judge Judy though only watch it randomly. Extreme Couponing is strangely addictive too!

I found I used to default to Sky News and have that on in the background.

i have usually recorded enough material throughout the week, to watch over the course of the weekend

I'm at bro's for a couple of weeks, House sitting/looking after dog, six cats and six de,gu's ...and actually spoiled for choice... They seem to have every movie channel, sports channel, comedies etc... so being the mature adult I am just watched Ice age 4: continental drift... most entertaining.

Back to the OP, I usually find it boring watching TV at the weekend.
I don't watch much tv. I love Nigel Slater, and I will watch Grand designs or house renovation programmes. I can't abide reality programmes or soaps.
Having just accidentally caught a bit of a bloke who sings to his cat, my ears are about to break!

There is too much reality TV at weekends, I favour a good drama. Luckily I can record and catch up from midweek TV to fill my weekend evenings as required.

Once Last Night of The Proms finishes it'll back to Radio or CD's for me,
OH is at someones retirement do so I can please myself!
Not sure about weekends but having just spent a week abroad where only BBC1 was available I realised it's crap most of the time - unless you like football, news, Eastenders or Pointless.
Well I've just taped Young Montabalno so I'm not complaining :)
Pointless! That's a joke.
I hate reality TV. I like quiz shows, well some of them. Why can't we have good drama. I watched a documentary on BBC 24 this afternoon, it was the best thing I've watched all day.
On Saturdays, i open my tv listings mag and circle the programmes i really do not want to miss. These are usually the dramas that are on after the watershed and this week i have circled 7, some of which will have to be watched on the +1 channels as they clash. Still, 7 - a good week for a change. Though last night's tv and next Friday's are abysmal.

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