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I Know It's A While Yet To Christmas But If You're Starting To Think Of Getting A Few Gifts In Early...

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sandyRoe | 14:06 Mon 09th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
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Yes, but other people look forward to it (I hate it!) and you can't expect them to not post about it.
Conne, so sad you are in a dark place right now, hope that lifts soon.

As for the calendar fit for fire-lighter perhaps.

I love Christmas but then am surrounded by little ones, so that makes it special for me.
Mamy on a tangent re little ones - you are correct but then you have been lucky as my friend has little ones (grand) - due to family breakdown has not been able to have them last Xmas nor the last and most probably this Xmas. So there ya go. A very sad time for her as she buys the presents and puts them up into the attic.
Oh that is heartbreaking Conne, yes I know how very lucky I am.

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