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I'm 8 Years Old Today!

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Buenchico | 19:41 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
. . . as regards my membership of AB

. . . but I've long since given up expecting that my mental age will ever reach such lofty heights!


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Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth .... yeah right! He loves to chew and push over piles of papers or books just so he can get comfy, you can't get mad at him, he just looks at you as if to say "it wasn't me"
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>>>he just looks at you as if to say "it wasn't me"

That's unusual for a cat. (It's usually puppies that do that!).

Most cats I've known have a look that says "Yeah, I did it. And do I care? No chance, pal!"

that morning walking bleary eyed into the bathroom to be greeted with the cat version of myself!
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>>>this was moments later.

Awwwww! Cute!!!!!
My Frankie has a little pink nose but the facial colouring is similar. His sister is totally different in nature and has long fuzzy hair.

He is a lovely looking little boy - I am sure that he will win Molly over in time. Failing that it will be like my house - constant bickering with a big bust up every week or so.
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Get the camera out please, Wolf!
My twins

born 29/06/05
They are gorgeous Wolfie!
Molly will never come around, she hates all the other cats in the house as well. The only one she had time for was Jess who died a couple of years ago, but he was with us before her and he "brought" her up from a kitten.
I should really ask Queenie to post pics of the others.
If a cat really dislikes another cat they cat become bullies and be quite nasty - like humans really.

Frankie is a total wimp and when he goes to the vet to get his steroid jag for his asthma he is a quivering wreck. Merlin took on four humans in her last visit - its amazing that one litter could produce kittens with such different natures and long haired and short haired cats.

I always wanted a dog when I was younger and I thought that cats were sneaky and evil - now that I have my two I know that they are much sneakier and sadistic that I would ever imagine. But I love them very much.
Happy 8th AB Birthday to you Chris. A really helpful person like yourself deserves a special mention, what would we do without you on this site? Thanks for all your help to us all x
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What can I say, Ann, except THANK YOU!
Molly has been mean to Teddy (the kitten) surprisingly though Max One of the other cats has stepped into the fray and defended him, and he and Teddy have bonded well, Molly is now a bit wary of Max something that has never happened before. All of them were wary of Molly not so much now. I grew up with dogs, but I think I like the detached independence of the cats
The fact that they are all psychopathic killers who look incredibly cute. Princess Merlin has a habit of either biting visitors (usually the males) or sticking her wiggling behind in their face (only the male visitors). I think that she is a bit of a flirt!
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>>>but I think I like the detached independence of the cats

That's certainly part of their charm but I admire intelligence. Even the most intelligent species of dog (the wonderful Border Collie) isn't as intelligent as the average human (although probably vastly more intelligent than the average Sun reader!) but anyone who understands cats will recognise that the thickest cat in the world is still about a billion times more intelligent than Einstein when it comes to being 'streetwise'!
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>>>psychopathic killers who look incredibly cute

That should be included in the Oxford English Dictionary as the definition of 'cats'!
They are definitely smart, just as well they don't have thumbs or they would be ruling the world!
Congratulations...............I was 5 years old last Saturday.
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Happy belated AB birthday, Craft (you little baby!)

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