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Tilly2 | 21:03 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
My spider isn't a spider after all. It's a Harvestman.


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There was one of them in my bath yesterday!
ah, but does he/she know that.
A moth joined me in the shower today. I put him down the plughole!
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They have very long legs.
Looks like a flipping spider to me!
I had to build a toilet paper ladder so he could climb out :-)
wot moths, spiders or baths.
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I do that, Boxy. There's one in my shower room at the moment. I keep rescuing it from the shower tray. It seems to like that area. There are obviously lots of insects in there for it to eat.....................?
At the bottom of the stairs this morning there was a massive spider on the wall. I'm not frighten of them so when I say massive I mean it. I put a pint glass over it and a post card across the wall and when it was in the glass took it outside. Thinking it may return I took it about 50 yards away.
It was probably back indoors before you were :)
When you go to sleep they crawl up your nose.
Has it moved out of your jeans then, Yilly ?.
thank goodness i haven't seen one of those but we get a lot of tiny bodied long leg spiders in bathroom
doctor - they're too flamin' big to climb up your nose (lol)......
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I've been turning my jeans inside out before putting them on. A Harvestman trapped inside your jeans doesn't bear thinking about.

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