yes but on top of all other extras you will have to pay for an emergency appt but they can be done in a day this is how I know ....
friends daughter lives in Dubai and has twin boys they are going to OZ for their hols , get to Dubai airport only to be told that kids passports only last for 5 years the boys were 5 & a half yrs, left the luggage at the airport and took a cab to British Embassy to be told no can do we send the passports to Germany takes at least 10 days. She booked an appt for London passport office for 2 days time and had to fly with the twins to London, they would only allow her to travel to country of origin with 2 passports that were out of date I met her at Heathrow with the forms 24 hrs later, we all went to the passport office she handed over all the money & forms we took the kids to the Nat History museum went back at 4pm to collect and they flew back to Dubai that night and off to Oz next day she said they were like zombies after all that travelling and she took out a bank loan to cover 3 extra flights etc & expenses. The whole thing was like a nightmare for her. But it is possible.