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Ric.ror | 13:27 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
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Maybe we've misinterpreted it? I think a lot of us are seeing a kid who has been indoctrinated into the KKK? I guess you might be seeing how a child is reaching out, transcending his upbringing?
14:37 Mon 16th Sep 2013
Grasscarp, a better picture of my rod for you:;r=g&abrs4=2013091613

I like your interpretation. Is yours actually a grass carp?
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Well I thought it was a lovely image but obviously nobody else sees it the same way I do
Back to the gate I think
what do you see ric.ror??
Maybe we've misinterpreted it? I think a lot of us are seeing a kid who has been indoctrinated into the KKK?

I guess you might be seeing how a child is reaching out, transcending his upbringing?
Ric.ror if you could explain what you find 'lovely' we may better understand your choice.
Oh my goodness. You have suspended yourself (or your mini me!)
Mine is an actual grass carp. One day I had the pond that I inherited from previous owner of this house, cleaned. I knew there were 5 fish in it, but the cleaner found a sixth lurking at the bottom and told me it was a grass carp. Sadly one day I found it was no longer around.
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I saw a small child dressed in symbols of hate who wanted to interact with a police officer regardless of the colour of his skin
Its was in my view a symbol of the innocence of youth - maybe not though back to the fence
everyone sees things differently, its nice you saw innocence
Yes, I realised what a bunch of jaded, cynical gits we were being :)
Nooooooooo, change it back.

I think part of the problem was, that as an Avatar,
the image was way too small!
Love the new one some people will find that really offensive.
I wonder if some Avatars published in AB are in breach of photographic copyright. Ric.ror have a think about yours. :-)

-- answer removed --
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right I'm back to the blobby people and tonight the fence will be back

You can't please all of the people all of the time
^^ // tonight the fence will be back //

I do hope you are Not planing anything illegal.

Al. ☺☺☺

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