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Have You Turned On The Heating Yet?

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ToraToraTora | 13:13 Tue 17th Sep 2013 | News
33 Answers
1st Nov is my target date.


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Only put it on in the evening when it goes colder, so will probably be on again tonight.
No but I've started cooking winter food.......
Same here Craft, we had our first sausage casserole of the season the other night but so far have not had the heating on.... thankfully!

Lisa x
No but we lit the fire a couple of times.
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just turned mine on as it is cold, damp and yucky outside.
No, not yet, wife is more than enough for the time being.
Yes. It's bloody freezing.
I've lit the fire - does that count?
No but the socks and blankets are out and my duvet (usually sleep under a thinner throw).

I've felt chilly in the evenings though have been shivery with a cold. Not giving in yet, still not too cold with the windows open as I'm wrapped up warm so ok.

I won't freeze for the sake of it though. Think the mornings may get me first, getting up early into the cold after a nice warm bed.
Yes, the Mrs insisted !.
No, but I have just had the first coal fire here for this Autumn. Does that count? It suddenly turned really chilly here in south Cambs
FGT, are you in south Cambs too ? !

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