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taniareynold | 10:39 Tue 21st Feb 2006 | Business & Finance
4 Answers
my ex husband has just died, we had an endowment mortgage although my husband is thought to of died of alcohol poisoning and was sick in his sleep, i am afraid that this may affect the insurance paying out on the house.


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What a horrible way to go. It may depend exactly what the wording was on the Death Certificate. What did it say, and was there any mention of alcohol poisoning?
What matters is the wording of the endowment policy. This must pay out unless it specifically excludes the actual cause of death. I've never heard of one excluding alcohol poisoning, but others may have more knowledge.
I'm not 100% sure, but would have thought that suicide would be the only standard exclusion from an endowment - and even then 'whilst the balance of mind was disturbed' might bring it back in again.
When you say 'ex-husband' do you mean you were divorced?

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