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Joe's On Sullivan, Atlanta, Georgia Usa

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old_labour | 22:34 Tue 17th Sep 2013 | Travel
7 Answers
Has anyone any idea why this sports bar, not far from Atlanta's International Airport has a number of replica signs on the walls of streets in Aston. Birmingham, UK


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you could email them and ask them
Just noticed from Related Posts that you asked this question already, a year ago.....
Question Author
Thank you both. I regularly visit the bar and have asked the Owner / Manager why the signs are there. He informed me that the signs were up when he bought the pub. He gave me the previous owners and I e-mailed them but did not get any reply. The leading living Birmingham historian knows of nowhere that produces replica street signs.
I know that I asked the question a while back but I hoped that someone new to AB could throw some light on it.
Also when I am back in Joe's next month, as I do on each visit there, I shall go round the bar again looking for "locals" and ask them...........
//The leading living Birmingham historian....//

who's that, may i ask?
Try writing to the questions and answers section of the Daily Mail. There seem a lot of very well informed folk out there who reply to all sorts of questions.
Or - write to the Birmingham Evening Mail, their archivist might well know.
Question Author
Thank you all.

Carl Chinn of Birmingham University is the historian.

I shall try the Daily Mail.

I tried an Atlanta newspaper with no success but I shall now try the dear old Evening Mail

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Joe's On Sullivan, Atlanta, Georgia Usa

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