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joggerjayne | 03:58 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
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Hi jj, you're an early bird this morning, or have you not seen your bed yet ??xx
Bom dia xxx
are you somewhere in the Middle Eat or just insomniac?
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Oh, groan.

Why did I post this? Dunno. I'd just got in from a night club on the front. I'm sure I went straight to bed. Sorry, guys.

Cringe de la cringe.

Awkward turtle.

Do they have an AA branch in Brighton?
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Probably. I don't know. I am a member, but I don't drive all that many miles.
If I had turned in at that hour I wouldn't be up yet JJ!
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I'm getting psyched up to go for a bike ride. Then the rest of the day in front of the telly, I think.
Take care
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