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Bedroom Tax

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john1066 | 15:09 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
So Ed. Milliband is going to scrap the Bedroom Tax..Buckingham Palace has 725 rooms. Her and Phil are only entitled to one as are we mortals,I bet she'll vote Labour. Think of the money she'll save on 724 rooms!!!


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Does ER claim housing benefit? I know she has the 'Civil List' but that iniquitous tax is directed at people on housing benefit.
I don't think The Queen and Phil the Greek need to claim housing benefit in the first place.
People in privately owned properties who are not claiming Housing Benefits are *not* subject to the so-called Bedroom Tax.
Us mortals are only entitled to one if we claim benefits.
Seeing as the Queen is not recieving housing benefit, I don't think it will bother her. x
One does not claim housing benefit.
What does The Queen say to Phil the Greek when she fancies a sh@g
Would one care to give one one?
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Hi sandieroe..Buck' House is a council house and she is on benefits because she doesn't pay for everwhere she goes.
Do you think that she has a bus pass ?.
I'd like to bet she claimed child benefit !!
I saw her last week at the back of Sainsburys, Philip was going through the skip and Liz had a bag full of out of date Pate de fois gras.
Times are hard, Lol. X
The royal family have millions in wealth , obtained through hard work over the generations. None of it is stolen from country or state.
Every generation has had to work hard for what they have and were not born into rank and wealth.
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SIR sandieraven?????

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