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Us Voltage

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dibble1 | 18:07 Tue 24th Sep 2013 | Technology
4 Answers
I've just ordered an electrical item from the US. Is it as simple as just replacing the plug with a UK one or is it a different voltage and will I need an adaptor?
(It's a heater element)
many thanks


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110 volts, dibble.
We use 230/240 volts. You'll need a step-down transformer/voltage converter.
No, the input voltage is different. 120 or thereabouts for electrical goods from the USA. 240 volts here. Your USA item will turn into carbon, and the house if you give it chance. If it an expensive item go to somebody like Maplin and buy a step down transformer. Buy one to suit the wattage of your item. Good luck.
Sometimes dibble depending,on what it is and the make there may be a switch on it which allows you to change voltage. I for instance have a Phillips razer which has a change over switch.
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