I'm back with another question as everyone was so helpful last time! Missy is 9 weeks old now. We got her at just under 7 weeks (was concerned she was too young but lady needed the kittens gone). She has got into a terrible habit of biting and attacking my hands and feet and pouncing towards my face. I have tried many techniques....started by putting her on her scratch post every time she did it or used a toy as a distraction. I then tried ignoring her and keeping as still as poss when she attacked. This morning though it got so bad I tried 'scruffing' her and hissing and all she did was hiss back and kept coming for me. It seemed to make her angrier than ever! I'm not sure if she is playing or just being plain mean. When she is sleepy she's lovely. Affectionate and will sit next to me or on my lap. When she's hyper though she is a nightmare! We have so many toys for her and play with her constantly. I have 3/4 of an hour with her in the morning, 1/2 hour at lunch and all night when we get home. She seems to be awake more than she is asleep....any advice with how to deal with this aggressive behaviour would be much appreciated! She had her first vaccination yesterday and still wanted to play and bite!
She is demonstrating typical kitten behavious, linzi - this is how she would normally play with her brothers and sisters in the litter, now she only has you to scrap with. Please don't tell her off - she won't understand - she's far too tiny. Get her toys with catnip in, that she can kick and shred, and activity toys. Perhaps don't play with her quite so much -...
As others have said she will grow out of it and settle down.I have a 6 month old and the whole of my right upper arm is covered in scratches where she's kneaded on me. Only half an hour ago she launched from the floor and sunk all four feet into the back of my thigh and clung there. The air turned blue I can tell you. She's just playing.
One thing I've always done with my kittens is cuddle them to your chest and nudge the top of their head with your chin, quite firmly, as if you were washing them. It reminds them of their mother washing their heads. My No1 Son still likes me to do that, and he's 14 now.
I love hearing all you kitten and cat stories. Thanks again for all the help.....I ate my words yesterday. Decided to leave her at home all day and not go and see her on my lunch break and she was so lovely last night. We had a cuddle and she snuggled up under my chin to sleep and when she came towards my face to pounce she ended up licking my nose and just pawed me with no claws! I'm sure we will have our naughty moments but I'm glad to hear that a lot of your cats grew out of this stage and it's just their natural instincts :)
Delighted to hear that she did a no-claws pat - No 1 Son has unfortunately never learned to retract his claws, he patted me on the face as I went to sleep last nght, and stuck his sharp little claw up my nostril.....
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