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Curious Bulge In Wall...

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EcclesCake | 20:03 Fri 27th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I've just looked up and noticed a strange bulge in my sitting room wall

I cannot recall any elecrical switch having been there or anything else in general.

It is an internal wall and there really is No normal reason for a 5'x2x bulge to appear.

It is obviously an Alien trying to crash my Friday evening.

How do I spot a friendly alien? Those clutching bottles of Close de Mars are welcome......


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Have you checked that there is nothing damp behind it, Eccles ?.
Tony...that's a crappy chat up line....;-0

Hi contemplating your navel I suppose....can you see a face or any religious symbols in this bulge?.....x
is it squidgy,? maybe water
Oh Lord!!...That's worse...meant your reply to Pixie,Tony...:-(

Tony...that's a crappy chat up line....;-0

Oi, wad da ya mean by that, it worked for me in the past ;-)
Lol! Glad you're back, gness. You make me laugh xx
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No damp/moisture obvious, just a very random 'bulge'!

Having done a quick structural survey I have determined I am safe in bed and the house isn't going to come crashing down and there is nothing to suggest a white water slalom course is going to open up on my stair case.

I will investigate the bulge more thoroughly tomorrow.

It's bound to be Alien's.

Hi, Pixie....Tony's chat up lines make me laugh.....☺
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Friggin' predictive text....
Hey, gness I was once told ( in my youth ) by a wise sage that if you can make a girl laugh then your half way to getting them into b.. ;-)
Me too, gness. Although, to be fair I've heard worse than "are you damp behind" (or whatever it was). Eccles, please wear armbands to bed. Keep yourself safe x
Sometimes there as well, gness !.
Eccles, just hope and pray that this incident of yours does not result in the same dire consequences which resulted in the first "Battle of the Bulge".
Has anyone seen our resident gourmet chef person today- or did the aliens explode through the wall and carry her off to provide haute cuisine on Planet Zog?

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