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Duck Boat On The Thames ?

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anneasquith | 22:09 Sun 29th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
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eh, no thanks :(


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it's called a pleasure craft, that is the point, i still wouldn't go on these duck boats, have always considered them dangerous.
last one I went on (not a Duck boat) the commentary was 40% wrong. I don't see why either natives or foreigners should have to put up with this.
the last one i went on the skipper was funny as hell, that takes some doing, and most people on these crafts are tourists and not all will have English as a first language, so they wouldn't know one way or the other, its a bit of fun, on what can be a dull weather day out. If you are lucky the sun will shine and everyone is looking at the buildings, if the commentary is a bit skew whiff so what. I have heard one or two that were very knowledgeable. They don't have to give a commentary by the way, some do and some don't,
was that in the capital?
it was.
so what did they get wrong?
I didn't make out a list but a couple of boats were identified wrong, they got the site of the Rose Theatre wrong, retold a couple of urban myths as if they were true etc, and that was just the stuff I knew about, goodness knows how much else.
it is meant to be fun, not a history lesson. I know that it would be good if they got things right, but some of the old hands may have been doing it for so long, they get bored and spice things up a bit.
i have taken trips on these boats over many years, soon as the sun pops it head out, there is nothing nicer in warm weather taking a boat down to Greenwich, Teddington Lock not sure they go as far as Hampton court these days but did that once, fab,
where's the "fun" in being told the Rose Theatre is under the Lloyds building? What's funny about ignorance?

I went to Hampton Court a couple of years ago but I think they only run in summer.
always fancied a trip on a duck boat, been on a few proper boats, day time and evening party types. Took daughter on a trip from Tower pier to Westminster, she was not happy on a little boat she wanted to go on the Belfast.

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