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Life Is Too Short...

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Maydup | 17:36 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Life its too short stuff a mushroom. As said by one of you recently. (Box tops i think) couldn't agree more, so I bought some in my lunch hour ready stuffed from M&S and have them baking in the oven now.

For me Life is also too iron bed linen when it can be aired and folded. What about you?

Life is too


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I clearly have no life since I do pretty much everything that is on this list! :/
I iron the kids uniforms every morning (in case we get a power cut and it doesn't come back on (we get loads)). That's the only thing that has to be done, I wouldn't be happy with the kids being crumpled (their clothes, not them) and people thinking I can't manage. Today I have done sod all, I gradually drifted into a lazy day, probably long overdue if I am being fair.
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But life must be too short for soemthing else Vodkancoke?
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....correct typing in my case!
Life is too short to hold a grudge. People die unreconciled.

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