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Late Mail

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gina32 | 21:56 Fri 04th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Gone 5pm today before my mail arrived, just ridiculous.


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Ours comes about 4.30 some days. It's a daily delivery, no time guaranteed!
Ours comes anytime between 9am and 4.30pm
Maybe it was delivered to wrong house and someone has brought it to you. I have sometimes taken stuff to other houses if close by and delivered to me in error
It may seem a silly question gina32 but was it delivered by a postman?
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Yes delivered by postman
we once had mail wrongly delivered to us, hubby said rather than put it back in the box I will deliver it when I take the dog for a walk, one hour later handed mail to the addressee who did not even say thank you all he said was could you not have brought it sooner !
A possible explanation could be your regular postman phoned sick so your delivery would be split in two, then two other postmen would do it on ot when they finished their delivery
My post used to arrive round about 11.15 every day, now for about three months, it's been coming after 2 p.m. but still the same postie.

I had that once at our old address, sadly for the moaner the Post Box was at the end of his drive, so I turned round and reposted it to him, miserable git!

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