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What's The Plan This Evening?

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AB Editor | 17:48 Sat 05th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
Out? In? Something in between?


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Cupid, I hope you've made plans to get gnome safely.
17:57 Sat 05th Oct 2013
gness...strongest I drink these days is hot choc with marshmallows and nutmeg ...yum (or a latte during day with friends;) know fine well if we were off topic Ed would be down on us like a ton of bricks.....not that it would be any use......but he'd give it his best shot.....☻
Ducksie...a latte with that is fun....x
Not to mention AWT and, DTC behave, he is my favourite
I've had 3 fabulous meals at Raymond Blanc's place. Very expensive but worth it for a special occasion.
It is, especially when one of those unmentioned friends treats the ladies to a lovely cake mmmmmm
I can't keep up with you in the mofc, I'm afraid.
Don't worry about that, Chrissa.
I've never been able to keep up with MOFC (not that I officially entitled to join in - yet).
Wonder if Ed will report back on the pub he has only been in to shelter? That takes a lot of will a pub and not ordering at least one G...
chrissa1, I can't make head nor tales of that MOFC so don't feel alone :)

*whisper* I think they're all mad in there :)
I haven't been there for ages, used to loll about drinking their tailcocks and eating the volley vents while knitting shreddies. Occasionally successful in the roffles I won a shoelace once and a bicycle clip. I may have to give them a call soon to see if the other bicycle clip has turned up.
Ha ha.
I've been out to my Village Hall to see Dr Teeth's Big Band - very good they were too - don't miss them if they turn up in your neck of the woods.
You won a rofle prize gran?!!! More than I ever did.
Chrissa...just join in and need to keep else does.

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