Food & Drink0 min ago
Anyone Got Moths .
15 Answers
I have never had moths or even known anyone who has, yet in the past week two different people have asked me how to get rid of them. Are they more prevelant this year
I remember you used to be able to buy mothballs but I have not heard of them for years,does anyone know if they are still available? I remember the smell of them it made your eyes water. Thanks.
I remember you used to be able to buy mothballs but I have not heard of them for years,does anyone know if they are still available? I remember the smell of them it made your eyes water. Thanks.
i thought mothballs had been banned cos they were carcenogenic , or am i confused?
19:07 Mon 07th Oct 2013
I discovered I had a moth problem a few years ago. They'd done some damage,yet I hardly ever actually saw them. I've used these since-seems to more moths. User Recommendation User Recommendation
I bought old-fashioned mothballs not long ago, but I don't use them in the same room in which I sleep. There are other preparations you can buy. However, when you buy soap in solid form, put the soaps - unwrapped - in the bottom of the wardrobe until they have dried out a bit. ( This saves them from going slimy in use, anyway.) After a couple of months, replace the soap with fresh soap. Moths avoid fresh soap