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Edward Snowden Feted As A Hero By The Guardian.

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anotheoldgit | 14:36 Wed 09th Oct 2013 | News
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I'm quite happy to be watched.........
Me too, Craft. I will never do anything worth watching ! And, being serious , it was not annoying to discover that my in-laws were being security checked as desirables to be in my company. When my wife was involved in such matters, she was amused to be greeted by the Hungarian military attaché who said "That was a nice red dress you wore to coffee in Islington on Thursday" and "How was dinner with the Chinese last week?". This was said to point out that everyone knew what everyone else was doing in that line of country. He didn't witness either event. Everybody has the means to watch everybody else. We are the same and we don't follow rules any more than they do.
Anyone watching me would be bored shitless, and I would be quite happy for them to watch everyone who was not as boring.
I reckon they are too busy watching subversives like Gromit to bother with me, - Ouch, who put that camera there ? :-)
or little old ladies doing their weekly shop, trundling around frescos looking for that bargain....
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It would be fine if the data they are stealing was targeted at people of interest. But it isn't, they are capturing ALL they can from EVERYONE. Then they are sharing it with a foreign power. Then they are managing to lose it.

Fortunately they managed to lose it to someone who wanted to expose the crime. Next time they might lose it to criminal gangs who can mine credit card/ bank details and use the data to steal £££s from us.
It was not high on the BBC News agenda for three reasons

1. It is MI5 propaganda without any proof
2. The Guardian did not release any damaging material
3. It is old news

The Daily Mail report this false allegation because

1. The BBC is a commercial rival to DMG
2. They dislike the BBC because they are impartial
3. It perpetuates a leftwing conspiracy (that doesn't exist)
It would seem that the BBC protect their left-wing friends

Or to put it from the other end of the telescope, it would seem the Mail played UP a story (MI5 chief wants everyone spied on but himself!) criticising a rival paper they hate.
I watched the ITN news and Channel 4 news yesterday. The comments from the new head of MI5 were not prominent on those channels either.

Perhaps the Mail is helping to disseminate the security services propaganda in the hope of being a preferred recipient of any future leaks (the want stories off them, so are doing their bidding now).
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/// They dislike the BBC because they are impartial ///

Impartial are they????????????
Well the study itself was more than a little opaque. Not sure how much reliance can be placed in it.
Isn't it cute the way some people just accept propaganda unthinkingly?

//The Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) is a free-market centre-right British policy think tank whose goal is to promote coherent and practical public policy, to roll back the state, reform public services, support communities, and challenge threats to Britain’s independence. Although identified as non-partisan, the Centre has strong historical links to the Conservative Party.

It was co-founded by Conservatives Sir Keith Joseph, Alfred Sherman and Margaret Thatcher//

The current chairman is Lord Saatchi, that well known supporter of the BBC

Nice try aog but you're not convincing anybody with that old tripe

Curiously, LG's link suggests that the Guardian is more balanced than other papers, in that it refers to left think tanks almost as often as right ones; 51% left 49% right. Depends how you see balance; no doubt some on here regard the Mail's coverage as balanced, though the link shows it to favour right far more than left in citing.

Of course, that leaves out what the paper does with the information; it may use a left tank's views for mockery !

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