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Scam Phone Call

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sherrardk | 18:56 Wed 09th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Just got a call to my mobile with a local area code. I did answer it but couldn't here the caller. I googled the number and it came up as attached to PPI outfit based in York. How come it the call had a Hereford code but came up on google as York, is it part if the scam somehow (to make you think it is someone local).


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I'm due some compo from CPP, they're based in York.
I had one last week but it came up with a Cardiff number but a friend from Cardiff did some research and it originated in Belfast :/ I never answer anything from a number I don't know
I got one on my mobile yesters pm it was a recorded message telling me they could wipe out 50% of my debts I told them to pee off.
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I just thought it was odd that it came up as a local dialing code, but when I googled the number it said it was from York.

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