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Loud Drum Roll Please. (Breaking News!)

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888 | 14:23 Fri 11th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Tee Hee. I've been an ABer since 2004 and after answering to more than 500 questions... I've finally reached double figures with "Mark as best answer"!!!. Now I must be answering reeaaallllyyyyy slow, wrongly (as if, moi?!), just to the non-markers, or be unpopular. Despite this, I look forward to receiving a few more and wonder, just out of curiosity, is this a record?!!!


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Best Answer

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Well I have answered 1340 including this one and have 15 best answers. So I think that makes me even more unpopular than you ;-)
Well I've answered over 12,000 and only have 102 so I'm more unpopular than either of you. If you want to bump it up I've noticed if you go into Crosswords and ask 'how many letters' that often gets you a best answer award :-)
A lot of people don't give Best Answer - it's quite often difficult to decide if one answer is better than any other.
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I can beat you on length of service, but since I had to take up another profile, my complete totals are not valid, so i can;t accurately comete there.

Congrats though - the more long servers the site gets, the better.
Just checked out of interest - since my new profile in 2005, I have asked 42 Questions, answered 1455, with 61 'Bests'.

Eye thenk yaaoooouuuuuu!!
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Wow, some long time member here...I almost feel like a newbie.
joined sept 2002
answers 27337
bests 161

but best answer awards are comparatively a new thing.

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Loud Drum Roll Please. (Breaking News!)

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