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TWR | 18:59 Fri 11th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Would you do if you kept on & on & on getting KICKED?


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Stand somewhere else?
Move out of range.......
By whom or what and why?
Tell the little twerp sitting behind you in the theatre that you're gonna rip his legs off and use them for umbrella stands...
Increase the dosage of my Saint Vitus Dance pills.
Remove myself from the situation... or at least try.

What's up TWR? :-(
Pick a more docile sheep.

(For shearing, obviously)
Who is doing the kicking T W R?
I'd kick back.
I'd move and never put myself back in that position again
Question Author
Are you getting kicked by the system? Benefits etc? we are fortunate, we are not but to the persons who are.
Ah. Here's a dichotomy. Do you mean the people who are on benefit who deserve it, or do you mean the lazy buggers who have no intention of helping themselves or their cjhildren into a better life.
Why don't you just ask the right q in the first place?

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