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Connemmara | 14:51 Sat 12th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Don't remember who it was - but taking a stab at Sherrard re her hassle with above pharmacy.

Am just in from grocery end - and went over to self serve - girl came over - do you want me to help - she put them through but was called away momentarily so I went on to pack and she said to me hope you packed them nicely - no I didn't - I just threw them in - oh she said you have left potatoes to the end.

She went back to my back unpacked the lot so the potatoes could go to the bottom of the bag. Wasn't that kind?


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Snap, sibs!
Snap, Tilly
Oh bugger.
Tee, hee!
They both have massive hits tho. I said Hits.
My husband used to call her - Tammy Whinette.
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Well Mamy she did sing songs of a whining nature - put you sometimes in black depression LOL
Zacs, you were half wrong, see
.....or half right.
For some reason I can't see videos on here anymore. Ed!
I love it that Tammy had two husbands before singing Stand by your Man and three after.
She obviously stood too close, jno.
and too often.

Well, at least her taste in music worked.
or, not close enough.
the world is full of country singers who don't take their own advice. I wonder if Bobby Bare really wanted Jesus to dropkick him through the goalposts of life., sorry, Connemmara, this seems to be sprinting off topic
It's jno's fault.
-- answer removed --

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