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By Any Means, Bbc 1

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sandyRoe | 22:43 Sun 06th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Does it remind anyone of other formulaic shows like Mission Impossible?


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I like formulaic programmes (don't remember Mission Impossible though) watching it now actually. Each to his own.
It reminds me of play school. I think that's the intellect level it's aimed at anyway. Having said that I keep watching Whitechapel which has become a parody of itself.
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Ps - I will freely admit I only watch Sugar on telly, don't do high brow or period drama.
Watched half of the first one and turned off, not my cup of tea!
It's written by the people behind Hustle and is the same entertaining, Sunday evening fun. Suits me.
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It's good easy viewing. And nothing wrong with that.
Thinking about it, most shows work to a formula. sandy, give me an example of a series that doesn't or I'll be awake all night trying to think of one.
hc4361, interesting you say it's written by the Hustle team, we've always referred to it as a cross between Hustle and Spooks. I like it, but then on Sunday pm I'll watch anything I dont have to think too much about or read subtitles!
It's good fun! Just the right for a Sunday evening, not too much to think about but the very thing to wind down the weekend, ready for a new week

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By Any Means, Bbc 1

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