If you are chosen to be in charge of a Committee, or a Board, are you happy to be ...
... the Chairman?
Or do you feel the need to be ...
... the Chairwoman, or the Chairperson?
I think, for what it's worth, that these titles refer to the office of position, and not to the gender of the person who holds the office.
If a man can be the Chairman of the Board, then a woman should also be able to be the Chairman of the Board, without having to water down the title in some feeble surrender to the PC brigade.
When you become the Chairman, you're in charge. The Boss! You're a butt kicker. You don't need anyone to change your title to show that you're equal. Because you're not equal. You're the top dog. You're in charge.
It's like ...
All the men have been called Chairman. But now you've got the position, it's all gone wrong. We need to think of a different, more washy washy, title. How about Chairperson?
Shut it, creep. It's Madam Chairman to you, and don't you forget it.
I chair meetings - and I've no objection to being called 'chairman'. As my dad used to say, 'I don't mind what you call me, as long as you don't call me too late for my dinner'. ;o)
When Kylie tells Robbie he's '... dancing with the Chairman Of The Board ...' - I don't think there is any 'gender confusion', or any doubt about who is in charge ... I'm just off for a lie down .....
What we really need is a new term for the male gender so that "man" then becomes generic. I would suggest Heman but this already has specific connotations in the hyphenated form He-man.
After all in some areas we do have this distinction, e.g. boy and girl, son and daughter, mother and father, for child, offspring, and parent respectively.
Any suggestions for a new male equivalent to woman ?