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One, two, thr... Oh wait these aren't sheep
17:15 Wed 16th Oct 2013
I'm just sitting on the fence
People say I've got no sense.

(Fantastic picture, by the way, but what are they chasing?)
Low dog on the left disagrees. It is no longer the dogs bullocks!
its raining dogs, but where are the cats ?
i want the steve mcqueen role look !!!!!!
We're glad we're jumping into the picture - going the other way looks a bit dodgy...... ee.e..e..argh!
...and they say only Pigs Might Fly.....

Bird-dogs prove they really can fly!
who let the dogs out?
What on earth did they put in our breakfast this morning - jumping beans?
Last one over's a bounder..
someone shouted 'dinner'
Seeing is believing, now do you believe me when I say we are related to kangaroos... woof woof
the latest while you wait neutering place is doing well
Well that's torn it
Here comes Rover, yes he has won the gold medal in fencing.
One, two, thr... Oh wait these aren't sheep
And they're off !!
The hills are alive........with the sound of pooches
the one sitting down on the left ( who is the coach / trainer ) is shouting -

' Guys , i want you to try the Fosbury Flop , next '
not such a bad day queenie :)

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Caption Competition, October 16

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