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Good Morning Early Birds

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murraymints | 06:06 Sat 19th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
Saturday all is well..Morning all xx


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Morning Minty & N babes. Wide awake now. I remember years ago I would have just come back to bed and had another hour. But that was before Answerbank, so here I am conversing with people I've never met and advising people on car companies I've never been to. Funny old world innit?
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Bye the queen !!!
Morning WBM. Have a good one.
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Time to get on....see you later xxxx
morning folks its a nice bright day here but my sinus are playing up and I cant stop sneezing.
Zac for a peaceful life get a dog flap, works wonders.
Minty I remember Leapy Lee and his one hit wonder, is he the one that went to jail with Alan Lake [ Mr Diana Dors] ?
Today I am going to the local library for a talk on GI Brides don't ask me why but I was always fascinated with the Yanks during the war we were kids and used to shout -got any gum chum and they would always oblige.
Dee, he's a Border Collie. Dog flap =Burglar door. ;-)
Morning Zac we had two med size shar peis you would be surprised how small our dog flap is, not tiny but only a child burglar would attempt it and besides they were down the stairs so fast at the least little noise, sadly only got one dog now but I can go out and not worry about staying too long.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Dee Sa, my late godmother was a GI bride, settled in Texas - they split up when the kids were older, and she came back to the UK.
Morning Alll

Wild and windy night here - must have been the onions in the hotpot yesterday :-)

Chores to do today - but I'm sure I'll fit a pint in somewhere.

Be Good

D xx
Boxy, was the Squeeze song 'Labled with love' written about her?
Morning Minty and all....I am not to blame for the confused state of DT's mind.

Damp, overcast to Otter garden centre..wonderful place... to plant buy in case the daughter finds a bare patch of earth for me to fill.
Then the ebike shop for some try outs.....☺x

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Good Morning Early Birds

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