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Southern Trains Cancelled

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netibiza | 18:38 Sun 27th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Southern Trains are cancelled until after the storm, til about )am for anyone interested.


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til 9am that should be.
... I thought you said- til about Jan. Thought- sounds about right!
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Haha - can you imagine that!!
Cancelled? I think not!

"Southern and Gatwick Express may run an amended timetable on Monday 28 October."

Southern will probably experience far fewer problems than, say, Greater Anglia or First Capital Connect. Southern's trains use the 'third rail' electrification system, which doesn't suffer the problems of overhead cables swinging in the wind which reduces running speeds on lines with overhead electrification.
Just talking about it on BBC1 TV news at the moment.
Interestingly, despite the Mail (which is hardly noted for its accuracy anyway) quoting a time of 0900 for the commencement of Southern services, that company seems not to have fixed a time:

It's only companies using overhead electrification that seem to have decided not to run services until 0900:

For information about other operators' services, start here:
South West Trains don`t have overhead electrics and they are not running until 0800. It`s because they want to have a chance to check the tracks.
News locally just said no dustbins being collected tomorrow either, to avoid empty bins sailing round the streets. Ferries are still running according to plans at the moment, unless it gets to more than 55 knot winds.

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Southern Trains Cancelled

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