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TWR | 10:12 Mon 28th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Hi all down South, I do hope you've had a safe, accident free, damage free night, our thoughts are with you.


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Also a man in Watford, sad.
We're safe here in norfolk, but this morning's drive to work was extremely scary. Branches and twigs all over the road and gale force winds as predicted. But with no trains before noon today, I didn't have much choice but to brave it.

In hindsight, i should have left it an hour until it all calmed down a bit.
I've just untied the dustbins - all seems relatively calm now.

Just nicked this from a twitter post on the BBC News website

Hey St Jude, don't make it bad.
Bring the sun out make it better
Remember to let it all be slight
Then you can start to make it better
A great disappointment here in South Cambridgeshire; I had got all my false insurance claims prepared but then nothing happened, and they would never get past the claims department. Ah, well. I can wait.

Fair old breeze at 7 am but not really exceptional, and now it's just breezy, maybe a force 4 at best. And it's sunny, too.
Take care Folks !

Will send you down some spare jumpers PM
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Big tree down in the garden and the greenhouse has windows blown out.

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