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Very Odd

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lynbrown | 10:46 Mon 28th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
About 3 times over the past month I have opened up Answerbank and instead of opening on the actual day's queries, the screen shows questions from 10 October. Always the same date, always the same questions. I just shut everything down and that sorts it. What is this all about?


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Your browser stores each web page you view in a 'cache' so that, if you return to that page again, it can be loaded instantly without needing to download it again. That's fine if the page doesn't change but can present problems with fast-changing pages (such as on AB). Your browser has clearly (and rather oddly) cached what you viewed on 10 October.

You've not stated which browser you're using, so I'll assume that it's Internet Explorer:

Go to Tools > Internet Options
If the 'General' tab isn't already selected, click on it to select it.
Under 'Browsing History', click on 'Settings'.
Under 'Check for newer versions of stored pages', select 'Every time I visit the webpage'.
Click 'OK'.
Under 'Browsing History', click on 'Delete'.
Put ticks alongside 'Temporary Internet Files' and 'History' (plus anything else you might want to get rid of).
Click 'Delete'.
Click 'OK'
Close Internet Explorer and then open it again.
Or maybe you saved a page on October 10th as a favourite.

One of my AB icons always opens on a 2012 'Help needed with a laptop' thread from mrs_overall
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same thing and date has been happening to me lynbrown.

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