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Avatar Image It sort of looks like this guy. Only problem is it is season 4 of The Walking Dead, not 3.
13:45 Tue 29th Oct 2013
I'm at work so the link is blocked - and I so want to have a guess :-)
woof - I've always had a major thing for James Spader, when he was younger I thought he was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen
It's jolly good, whoever it is....about to do mine. Will have to pull my socks up after seeing yours!
C'mon Josaphine....I have to get dolled up before the plumber arrives.... or are you going to make us wait?...☻
prudie he's still gorgeous. his latest is called Blacklist, he's a very bad man but with a heart.
I didn't even recognise James Spader in Lincoln; he's changed or my eyes have.

Doesn't look like him in the pumpkin, though.
I'm trying and failing to think of something witty to say that includes the line 'not tonight Josaphine'
jeff chandler ?

It sort of looks like this guy. Only problem is it is season 4 of The Walking Dead, not 3.
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Just asked daughter, sorry it is season 4,
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Daffy got it right,
That's Daryl? Why has he got the 'Anonymous' type moustache?
Yay! I got it right :)
I can never usually 'see' these things and i'm hopeless at those magic eye pictures.
You'll be pleased to hear that I just showed the pic to my son, who immediately said Daryl, so it must be a very good likeness! (He does love the series though, which might explain it).

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