Posting it on a website is not sufficient. Your council is bound to bring the plans to the attention of any resident who may be affected by the development. They always say that plans may be inspected at the Council offices, within working hours, which is not very helpful, but there the website does come in handy because you can generally get the picture from a link.
This notice is achieved by a written notice displayed outside the property itself, which probably suffices because passers-by may see it. In addition councils send a notice to those obviously affected. These are somewhat difficult to define. I had one about a development well over a mile away, but it may be I was potentially affected by the noise of building work (!). More likely the site owned was large, though the plans only for one distant part of it, and it happened to be on the far side of a river to which my farm was a riparian owner, though my house was a long way away.