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TWR | 23:28 Sat 02nd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers


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There is a deodorant called...Anti Monkey Butt...but I can't work it in here.
Anyway it's been a crap day all round
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You farted, you dirty sod just as I was giving you a kiss??
Whats the matter, Psybbo ?
Rain, gales, how to entertain four dogs
I think I want to be Psyb's broomstick....
Get your gun, shoota, you've pulled
Right, I see Psybbo, dog sitting then.
I only joined this thread on impulse
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Sad sod Pru, its for smellys
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What do you think so far?
rubbish !!
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Good, thats the way.
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Good Night all, sleep well.
Night night x
Night...sweet dreams....xx
night night TWR
Good night TWR x
Good night Psyb

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