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That's Another Toilet Mat I've Ruined.

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Tilly2 | 13:27 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
I have just finished cleaning the downstairs toilet . All lovely and sparkly and clean.

I finished it off with a splosh of bleach in the loo and, once again, the bleach somehow found it's way over the rim of the loo and onto the toilet mat. It now has white blobs on it and looks terrible.
Dunhelm again tomorrow



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Do you use bleach bottles that pour or do you use bleach bottles that squirt, Yilly ?.
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squirt, Yont. Thick stuff.
I don't understand how it splashes out, then!
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Perhaps I need to bend at the waist when I squirt, instead of standing up straight. That might be it.

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squirt, Yont. Thick stuff.

Well Yilly, you'll have to be like us blokes then, and be careful with the aiming !.
But how does it get out? There's a big lip round the edge of the pan - I really don't get the dynamics of this!
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Boxy, maybe I'm too profligate with my squirts or, as well as bending down, I need to put my glasses on.
Imagine how many mats you'd ruin if you were like that woman on that obsessive compulsive cleaners show last week. She *thoroughly* bleaches her toilet SIX times a day.....:-0
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I missed that programme, pasta. OCD is a terrible condition.
Catching must have still had th bottle tipped up after squirting/pouring. I speak from experience. :/
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Oh, I see Crocus. It's the technique rather than the stance. I'll try to remember that next time. Thank you.

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